H.C. Wilcox Technical High School
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News & Announcements

Wildcat Sports News

  Wilcox Tech Spring Sports Calendar Spring Coaches: Baseball - Dave Cronin david.cronin@cttech.org Softball - John Sokolis jonsok19@yahoo.com Golf - Steve Wodarski steven.wodarski@cttech.org Girls Tennis - Beth Boudreau elizabeth.boudreau@cttech.org Boys Tennis - Paul Korik adbookdirect@sbcglobal.net   Athletic Physical and Participation Forms   If you have any questions or concerns, [...]

Horace C. Wilcox Portrait Unveiled

From left to right:  Anaiza Palau (Vice President, Student Council), Ryan Wolven (Treasurer,Student Council), Noah Martin (Trivia contest author), David Samen (Trivia contest winner), Paul Frasco (President, Student Council), Mr. Horace C. Wilcox III, Zanri Barnett (trivia contest winner), Angelize Cocoma (trivia contest winner), Mrs. K. Volpacchio (Graphics teacher), [...]

Carpentry Trade Earns Award

Congratulations to the Wilcox Carpentry trade who earned a $500 award for participation in the Green STEP program for the 2021-2022 school year. Pictured above is teacher Mr. Charles Rolle and his students who participated in the Green STEP Program. Green STEP (Sustainability Technical Education Program) is an Energize [...]

Wilcox Celebrates National Apprenticeship Week

Wilcox celebrated several apprentices from various trades at a luncheon on Wednesday, November 16, 2022. Certificates were presented by our Dean of Students Cristina Stisser. Students who participate in the apprenticeship program and trade: Tyler Granger-Electrical Javier Barnett-Ortiz-Carpentry Davis Lord-HVAC Jacob Ramos-Carpentry Luke Ciafflagione-Plumbing Ben Hastings-HVAC Colby Turner-Electrical Spencer [...]

Senior Designs New School Logo

Alanny Perez, a senior in the Graphics Technology trade was selected to design the new Wilcox Wildcats logo.  Alanny began her design process by researching what wilcats looked like, specifically the way the ears pointed. She made multiple thumbnail sketches of her ideas and gained feedback from her teachers [...]

Wilcox Writers Published

The Wilcox Literacy Lab classes, led by Ms. Alecia Walkuski, are proud to announce that SEVENTY freshmen and sophomore students have been selected to have their writing published by Young Writers USA, a nationwide writing contest for students ages 10-18.  These 70 students were invited to write a poem [...]

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