Wilcox ELL Students join Prince Tech in Celebrations
January 20, 2017
On January 6, 2017, three English language learners (ELL) from H.C. Wilcox Technical High School, along with World Language/ELL instructor Maggie Testa, attended a celebration at A.I. Prince Technical High School in Hartford to honor Three Kings Day (also known as the “Epiphany”). The festivities included traditional foods from various Spanish-speaking countries that were prepared by the Prince Tech. Culinary Department; performance of various dances by the Prince Tech. Dance Troupe; story-telling activities; and audience participation/interaction that included personal memories of celebrating Three Kings Day. Pictured from left to right:Joshua González, Katianadeishka Vázquez-Rivera, Ms. Maggie Testa and Aryzbeth Borja.