Distracted Driving Simulation

February 1, 2018

Save A Life Tour-Distracted Driving


The Save A Life Tour is a comprehensive high impact safe driving awareness program that informs,educates, and demonstrates the potentially deadly consequences resulting from poor choices and decisions made by the operator of a motor vehicle.“The International Save A Life Tour: Safe Driving Awareness Program” presented by Kramer Entertainment from Grand Rapids, MI was at Wilcox on February 23rd. Simulators were available to juniors and seniors to show what distracted driving can do to your judgement while driving. Bryce Mclendon said “Yes, it was life-like and what can happen, the severity of an accident most kids don’t realize”. Bryce also stated that when his friends are driving he will hold their phones for them and text or answer calls. Students had fun observing their peers while using the simulators and said that they do not text and drive. Morgan Robinson knows that she is tempted to use her phone. Her solution is to leave her phone in the back seat in her bag so she will not use it.

The program specifically places emphasis on the following driving situations:

  • Driver Experience – young drivers and driver behavior based on maturity
  • Improper Driver Behavior – careless driving habits- speeding, turn signal use
  • Safety Restraints – proper seat belt usage
  • Impaired Driving – alcohol usage, controlled substance, drowsiness
  • Distracted Driving – cell phones, passenger activities
  • Motorcycle – awareness, operation

Thank you to Officer Petralito for coordinating the program. The stations are paid for by CT DOT who sponsors the program for 60 schools across CT. Click HERE to see our students using the demonstrations.